View Full Version : The Three Generals

04-13-2016, 04:37 PM
The Three Generals
The Pentagon was notified that due to recent budget cuts, they would have to cut their staff, which included three Generals. The Head Administrator called the Generals to his office, and instructed them to have a seat in the waiting room. He called in the first General, an Army man...."General", he said,"we`ve created a unique severance package for you....we will pay you $10,000 per inch, measured between any two points on your body, and you get to choose the points."
"I would like to be measured from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet", said the General. Using a tape measure, the Administrator took the measurement.... "OK, you`re 6 feet four inches, or 76 inches, so you`ll receive $760,000 as your payment".

The next General was called in....he was an Air Force veteran. The same offer was made, and he chose to raise his arm, and be measured from the tips of his upstretched fingers to the bottom of his feet. After measuring, the Administrator said "Well, your measurement was 89 inches, so your payout will be $890,000".

Finally, the grizzled old Marine General was called in, and the deal was presented to him. "I choose to be measured from the tip of my penis to my testicles" he said. The Administrator was stunned and bewildered...."But General, the other two Generals just walked out of here with very large sums of money....do you realize what you`re doing ???"
"Just do what I ask, and I`ll be satisfied !" barked the Marine. "Well, OK, but I`d like to have a military doctor perform the measurement", replied the Administrator. The General agreed, and a young doctor was called in....the doctor readied his tape measure, while the General lowered his pants...."MY GOD, General....where are your testicles ???" the doctor cried out. "Viet Nam, Son !!!" replied the old Marine....

04-15-2016, 11:13 AM