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View Full Version : Went & Saw "Dawn of Justice",...

03-25-2016, 08:50 PM
...took the day off for a little escapism. (Comic book geek from way back. Got jackets older than some of you here.) Have to say I was a little skeptical, but surprisingly & pleasantly entertained. I've seen every film depiction of Batman since Adam West in the 1960's, and Ben Affleck's depiction of the Dark Knight is without question the best ever. Best Bruce Wayne, best Alfred, best Batcave, best Batplane, best costume,...straight-up the best ever! And after a good fight, he had Superman down with his boot on his chest, ready to finish the son of Krypton. BRAINS, BODY, & BUCKS can even beat SUPERMAN! It's worth the price of admission,...don't listen to the critics.

03-25-2016, 09:54 PM
Cool thanks for the review.ill be taking the kids to see it

03-25-2016, 10:09 PM
...nifeman, know you'll appreciate it but hope your kids are at least 10 yrs of age. No real bad language issues, but plenty of violence, and one scene where Clark Kent fully clothed, steps into a bathtub with a bathing Lois Lane. Just want you to know.

03-26-2016, 12:35 AM
Yea there old enough.horror film fanatics.and anything zombie.walking dead is gorey and they dig it.sounds like the bathtub scene will be for me.lol.thanks for the heads up though
