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03-11-2015, 09:21 PM
What the Fire Chief Said! Priceless!

For those who understand, no explanation is needed.
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.
Not fair to make judgment of this,
Until you see what the Fire Chief says!!!!
In South Los Angeles , a 4-plex home was destroyed by a fire.

A Mexican family of six, all welfare recipients and gang members, lived on the first floor. They died.
An Islamic group of seven welfare cheats, all illegally in the country from Kenya , lived on the second floor. They, too, all perished.
Six LA, Hispanic, gang bangers & ex-cons lived on the 3rd floor. They, too, died.
A white couple lived on the top floor.
The couple survived the fire.
Jesse Jackson, John Burris and Al Sharpton were furious!! They flew into LA and met with the fire chief. On camera, they loudly demanded to know why blacks, Muslims and Hispanics all died in the fire and why only the white couple lived?
The Fire Chief said, "They were at work."

03-11-2015, 10:13 PM
You are quite the funny man. I'm sure this seems hilarious, must be my Latin background that finds this quite offensive. I am not amused...Al

03-11-2015, 10:20 PM
That's our world that we live in. The facts speak for themselves. But, here where I live, the Mexicans are all at work during the day. I know, cause I often eat the food that they make me for lunch. They are my friends, and they can make some wicked tacos. Anykind...and I mean ANY kind of tacos, that you can think of ...all good. But.... I don't live in South LA. That's the deal. Haha! The world is very big as Samuel L Jackson says so boldly...... " It's a BIG world out there".....