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View Full Version : Creamer Automobiles

09-28-2011, 09:18 PM
Cars I have owned : 1958 -- Ford Edsel ; 1961 -- Chevy Corvair ; 1970 --Amc Gremlin ; 1971 -- Ford Pinto ; 1978 -- Amc Pacer. Also had a Studebaker Hawk in there somewhere. Lemons, for sure, but now worth a ton. What was the worst car you ever owned ?? Dave.

09-28-2011, 09:54 PM
Ford 98 Windstar, bought it for my wife, POS all around...Al

09-28-2011, 10:25 PM
Nissan Sentra late 80's traded in for a new GMC Sonoma which turned out to be a lemon too. (@#$%)ILK

Cars I liked Mercury Lynx (first used car), Dodge Ram (I'd buy another if gas went back down to .99 cents a gallon) now I just drive around in 4 bangers

09-29-2011, 12:01 AM
1995 Dodge short-box Ram. POS from the day I brought it home.Traded it 3 years later (just after the factory warranty ran out) for the first of many Silverado's. Have had problem free driving every since.

09-30-2011, 06:49 PM
of the 2000 Chevy persuasion, have to make a face every time I get in. The wife beaten on it every time she drives doesn't help out much.

moms' '84? Grand-am, then moms' grand-prix dad sold to me for a buck so cant complain other than when the AC went out in Phoenix in May with 110+ heat and wife 8 months pregnant only god new whose hands my life was in. death should have taken me then.


09-30-2011, 09:45 PM
Had a 57 chevy with a tank fulla gas, a mouth fulla tittiy and a bag fulla grass

10-04-2011, 04:12 PM
Any lyrics, phraseology, poetry, prose, etc which includes mouth full o' titty is a-ok in my book.

