Hey there. I'm bsny from ks. Been buying knives here and there for many years. Now obsessing on hand-forged kitchen knives and the endless japanese sharpening paraphanalia... Interested, too, in guitars and hillbilly music.
Thanks for listening!
Hey there. I'm bsny from ks. Been buying knives here and there for many years. Now obsessing on hand-forged kitchen knives and the endless japanese sharpening paraphanalia... Interested, too, in guitars and hillbilly music.
Thanks for listening!
Nice introduction and welcome to Dalton Forums.
Don't put your finger where you wouldn't put your face!!!
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
Welcome aboard the Insanity and Good luck in finding some Dalton knives!
Welcome bsny! goodfellers & knife nuts tend to gather here . Are you the proud owner of a Dalton yet ? Regards Peter
...some serious and dedicated DALTON collectors here.
Now that our patron saint has retired it's more true than ever,...
Hide Your Wallet!
A Song bird, often mistaken for a Bird of Prey!
Welcome sir!!
greetings and welcome BSNY!