Why? Because the basic premise of the Founding Fathers was man's right to his own liberty, to the pursuit of his own happiness-which means: man's right to exist for his own sake.
The political implementation of this right is a society where men deal with one another as [I]traders, [I] by voluntary exchange to mutual benefit.

Just like what happens on this forum every day!

Our Founding Fathers were thinkers and also men of action. They established a country for man's proper existence, by the "unaided" power of their own intellect.

The heroism, the genius of their accomplishment was that they not only recognized, but seized, the chance to create a country of individual liberty for the first time in recorded history.

They staked everything on their judgement: the new nation and their own "lives, fortunes, and sacred honor."

And it cost most of them all of that!

The political philosophy of America's Founding Fathers, celebrated on the 4th of July, has been so thoroughly buried under decades of STATIST misrepresentations on the left side,...and by empty lip service on the right side, that it needs to be,...rediscovered!

It needs to be rescued from the shameful barnacles of platitudes and political correctness.

It needs to be expanded, not limited. Because it was only a magnificent beginning, not a completed job. It still lives.

And just because I feel like thumping the nose of the PC crowd, let me remind everyone of something. ("I Love Kittens": is gonna love this.)

America's Founding Fathers were WHITE MEN! All of 'em!!!

They weren't Black. They weren't Hispanic. They weren't Asian. They weren't Arabic. They weren't Semitic.

They were European. They were Caucasians. They were WHITE! No brag,...just fact!

The greatest, most noble country in the history of mankind was conceived, started, and has been perpetuated by white people!

So, pop a top on a cold beer. Pour yourself a good single malt scotch. Grill some meat. Smoke a good cigar. Shoot some fireworks. Kiss your woman. Life,...in the greatest nation ever. Celebrate it!!!

I'm damn sure going to.