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Thread: Warning*Warning* ammo all gone

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    South Mississippi

    Default Ammo

    Like so many things in todays world. It's good practice to have a backup plan. Sometimes there is a thin line between being a pessimist and being a realist. Water well, garden, extra this and that. Extra ammo? How much is enough? I asked the sheriff here about ammunition in homes and he said they did not care. However, the fire department does. MAkes sense. I wouldn't want to fight a fire in a house full of live ammunition. I think I was born 200 years too late. Ed B

  2. #12

    Default Ammo, etc.

    Aaron: All of that is very scary & troubling. I too am an NRA member as all gun owners should be, Duh! Sometimes I do wonder if they exaggerate the threat to get $ from people although It surely costs them a lot to fight for us. Imagine we didn't have them? Think I better send a few bucks when able. Been meaning to. I hope we don't end up like Australia where they did ban guns. Home invasions & robberies & the poor people can't even defend themselves. The statistics of those are up & up & the asshole politicians can't figure out why? "When guns are outlawed, only..."
    EddieBob: You may want to get some ammo cans. Ammo can't pop off in a fire so fast. That's why the military uses them. They have a gasket too so somewhat waterproof I believe. I got a whole bunch (20?) from CheaperThanDirt for $200.00.

  3. Default

    Everyone I know has the motive that they had better buy as much as I can right now before they ban it. Even dealers are buying what ever they can in spite of this so they have some stock to sell when the masses come rolling in for last minute ownership rights and investment in a firearm that they think must be excluded by right of some sort of pre-ban status. Like last time.

    The legislation coming at the least will not have any pre-ban status so if you bought something in hopes of cashing it in later for investment, you can't sell it.
    I know two guys ( one FFL ) that are pooling to buy 20 AR lowers to set back. I've warned them.

    At the worst case scenario they will have to be turned over. Sounds impossible but there are a lot of other things we are heading for that will make this very easy to accomplish. How ??
    In the not too far future your earnings will be sent to the IRS first and then they will deposit the rest of your left over money into your bank account. No guns no money no food.
    Just about everyone will have to be on oboma care and pay up first through the IRS for their coverage.
    That means controlling your money. Ummkay Dont think for a minute they are going to wait to the end of the year and hope billions of angry people are going to be using the honor system.

    Nope I'm not a paranoid or a doomsday prepper. I can see a clear picture of public events in motion run by a revisionist party who is now starting the ground work for the agenda they said they are coming after. The reason why they haven't tried to bull in the arms ban is they had used up all the favors they had to call in on passing obama care.
    Once the details come out on the obama care people aren't going to be so happy with it once their dollars roll out and good doctors aren't going to accept payment from it and its going to take about a year to get an appointment with any kind of specialist. They thought they had bruised up all the local politicians on favors supporting them with fear of voters reprisal but in fact that party has held well if not expanded to some degree. A little bit of time between/ so your memory has well forgot about getting your ass kicked from the last revision.

    My fear is that once everyone has spent their last cent on running out and buying every thing they can will be cashed out. Pretty simple to expect this right? *Check* You wont have much money to send to support the NRA in the fight for your second amendment rights. *Check mate*.


  4. Default

    Thats a good point Charles about the ammo cans. Get them now. The prices of ammo cans have gone up too. The stock piles of surplus 30 cal ammo cans are dwindling. These are the best to uses, easy to carry. A 50cal loaded with 45 or 9 is like carrying ten bricks.

    Anyway, once used in service over seas they are no longer brought back, all get demilled usually by running over them with a tank tracks. Have been for many years as our surplus cans are all very old stock probably from the 70's and 80's are the last of them. They don't want these going to the public without being demilled which means getting destroyed for the metal scrap content.
    Basicly, a good investment now before the remainder dry up.

    Also get a few fat 50 cal cans good for drums , and if you can find a tall 50 cal can ( good for stacking tall mags upright ) Avoid the 20 and 40 mm large cans as they are extremely heavy and bad on your back.


  5. Default

    " It's not big around, but it's short !"

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Where rivers burn


    The hell with Ammo this country has a more important crisis going on right now. ILK
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  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by ilovekittens View Post
    The hell with Ammo this country has a more important crisis going on right now. ILK
    lmao thats no shit

  8. #18


    Finally, a post that i can relate to...Al

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