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Thread: Hurricane Isaac

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    East Coast- Carolina Boarders


    Hope you ALL stay safe and out of harms way! Looks like it's going to get a tad bit rough in a few.

    I just left the beach myself and it was right rough down there. Of course they were just tropical storms that passed and was nothing like this, but sure got a ton of rain.

    Anyway, be safe buddy and do take care!!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    South Mississippi


    Looks like the storm will pass a little to the West of us. Should be 30-50 MPH winds and a lot of rain around my neck of the woods. We live on a big hill so flooding is not a problem. However, all the ways out cross creeks that flood. Like the Boy Scouts we are prepared. Thanks to everyone for the good thoughts. Ed

  3. #13


    Get some whiskey, stay inside, look over those fine Daltons you have acquired and it will all be good...Al

  4. Default

    Good luck to everyone, its drooping some serious rain. My brother down in Florida said he never saw the ocean so violent and had been through several big hurricanes near the beach. This is a pretty impressive storm.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    South Mississippi

    Default Done Deal

    Nothing but rain this morning. No downed trees so no chainsaw work! Thanks again for everyones thoughts. Ed

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