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Thread: Shotguns

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    East Coast- Carolina Boarders

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Charleslee View Post
    Woodstock: That's price gouging ($1000.00), plain & simple. You can find one cheaper. Don't give that guy your hard earned $. I'm at work but when I get a chance, I'll search around for you.
    I vouch for this guy! If it can be found for decent cash, he can do it! Not much on his knives though...LOL...Just pickin' bro......

    All jokes aside, dude is good to go!

  2. #22

    Default Saiga

    Thank you Carltond. I learned all I know about knives from your exceedingly knowledgable self-which is jack shit! My turn to kid. Learned so much from you it's not even funny. Woodstock: I checked some of the big discount dealers (Dilbert's, Bud's, Aim Surplus, etc.) but didn't have much luck, however, I found a bunch on GunsAmerica. They have a few basic ones like I have (19" barrel) for $600.00, $650.00, $720.00 & some for $800.00 & up. Check it out. A couple of the lower priced ones (& that's cheap!) are listed by dealers & that may be safer than an individual seller. A little reassuring in that it's a business. Good luck. If I had a spare $600.00 right now, I'd be clicking on the Buy Now tab ASAP! That's for damn sure. BTW, I don't have one of those drum mags I spoke of. Not allowed in The People's Republic of New Jersey where, unfortunately, I reside. I merely brought it up 'cause it looks cool.

  3. #23


    That's what I thought too. I will continue to look around. I have a friend who has one and he loves it. How hard is it to find chokes that fit?

  4. #24

    Default Chokes

    Woodstock: Accessories abound. Why don't you go onto the Saiga forum? You can find out all you need to know there.

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