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Thread: Negative Stigma Regarding Knife Collecting?

  1. Default Negative Stigma Regarding Knife Collecting?

    This is a question I am curious about. Do anti second amendment proponents view knife collectors the same way they view gun collectors? The reason I ask is because I'm applying to MBA school and the admissions advisors tell us to make sure our personality/hobbies are highlighted during the application process. I'd like to note that I am a knife collector on the interests section of my resume but I'm afraid it will rub someone from the admissions panel the wrong way. As far as other hobbies go I like to work out, play sports, and do other very common activities so it doesn't really set me apart. Collecting knives is much more of a niche hobby and I'd like to set myself apart but it might be risky.

    I've owned guns for a while but I'm relatively new to knife collecting. I had thought that gun collecting was more frowned upon than knife collecting in certain circles. However, a couple of my colleagues at work have given me a hard time about collecting knives. I guess showing them pics of my dogface and interrogator were not the best examples to use when introducing them to my hobby

    What do ya'll think about my resume dilemma...should I put it on there or err on the side of caution?

  2. #2
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    Alex, I'll give you my opinion and please remember it is an opinion: An individuals personal life should be just that. Personal. In my line of work an aggressive/risk taking behavior is acceptable for the field engineers. As a matter of fact two of my best (out of 35) are pretty rough characters, but good engineers. A MBA heads you straight to an office/managers job of some sort. You will find people are much more conservative in that situation and are very careful about who they let enter the club. Keep your cards close to your chest and only play them when you are comfortable not when you feel like gambling. Ed B

  3. #3


    I just tell someone I collect pocketknives, which is true. I also have fixed blades and auto's. Most folk who aren't into shooting or hunting can relate to a penknife or pocketknife their dad or grandpaw used to own.
    Heck, I told the grandpaw to an old girlfriend I collected knives and he gave me an old Winchester red bone he had had for many years!
    Long story short, just tell them you collect 2 cents.
    and the road goes on forever.....

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by eddiebob View Post
    Alex, I'll give you my opinion and please remember it is an opinion: An individuals personal life should be just that. Personal. In my line of work an aggressive/risk taking behavior is acceptable for the field engineers. As a matter of fact two of my best (out of 35) are pretty rough characters, but good engineers. A MBA heads you straight to an office/managers job of some sort. You will find people are much more conservative in that situation and are very careful about who they let enter the club. Keep your cards close to your chest and only play them when you are comfortable not when you feel like gambling. Ed B
    I agree. I worked with Civil Engineers. Some where gun and knife nuts like myself and others where the I protect my family with a golfclub because I'm scared of guns.
    and the road goes on forever.....

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by eddiebob View Post
    Alex, I'll give you my opinion and please remember it is an opinion: An individuals personal life should be just that. Personal. In my line of work an aggressive/risk taking behavior is acceptable for the field engineers. As a matter of fact two of my best (out of 35) are pretty rough characters, but good engineers. A MBA heads you straight to an office/managers job of some sort. You will find people are much more conservative in that situation and are very careful about who they let enter the club. Keep your cards close to your chest and only play them when you are comfortable not when you feel like gambling. Ed B
    Yeah, this makes sense. Although I do believe the industry you work in also matters. I work in the oil/gas industry which has more than its share of politically conservative folks. In fact, the guy that got me into guns/knives was a manager from work. I've had conversations with the controller of my company about his guns and hunting trips. But with the resume situation I think you're right. I could have a conservative reviewer from the admissions panel who could see me in a favorable light but I could also get the exact opposite from a liberal. Don't want to take that chance.

  6. #6

    Smile Hobbies Question Dilemna

    Don't say squat about collecting knives, period! They may look at you as some whack job. Look at all the school shootings! Just had 1 in Ohio where 3 poor, innocent kids were killed. Terrible!!! Granted, that was high school, I believe but so was Columbine & you had VA Tech a few yrs. ago. I know, you're only talking about disclosing a KNIFE collection hobby but people can be paranoid, prejudicial & can overreact. It's applaud able that you wish to be honest about your hobbies but you should leave this one out. An MBA program is very competitive & you need all the edge you can get without having anything to detract from your accomplishments. Just my 2 cents. Good luck. Be a CEO someday!

  7. #7


    and whatever you do......Don't say you collect Dalton Knives!! Remember they are Sick &Twisted
    " It's not big around, but it's short !"

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shovelhead View Post
    and whatever you do......Don't say you collect Dalton Knives!! Remember they are Sick &Twisted

    Exactly...LOL...Wouldn't be a bad idea to leave that out. These air heads out there love to frown and nit pick over every little thing these days. Trust me!!

  9. #9


    Try being a Knuck Collector, Vietnam Veteran, With a shaved head--(Not a political statement, No Hair) Talk about being stereotyped!!-- Oh Yea, I also was a field engineer in my working days.

    De Oppresso Liber

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by rusty37874 View Post
    Try being a Knuck Collector, Vietnam Veteran, With a shaved head--(Not a political statement, No Hair) Talk about being stereotyped!!-- Oh Yea, I also was a field engineer in my working days.
    I can imagine! WOW! Love our Vets though bro. Just look at my avatar!

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