Update - Dave called me back. He sounds much better than he did yesterday. He sounds like he is getting things in order best he can. I think his message box is full because he has so many important messages he doesn't want to erease, just my thought. His computer still no service.
He said to give everyone a message that everyone will be getting their knives and he is not ripping anyone off. He is also sorry about everything. Upon the strong offer of help I could try with, he said not really. But he is sounding better and much more articulate.
I have no idea when he is going to be able to get back on line might be a while. But I get the feeling the knives will go out soon.

I hope this helps anyone out who is having doubts on Dave's motives and wanted to know how Dave is doing.

Something else I should make a little clear. No I'm not getting in the way of anyones arragements, I dont want to go down that road and end up being involved and blamed for anything I have no control over, logicaly. That said I'm not going to try and send any personal messages to him.
