I was always a knife fanatic growing up, and always had some pretty cool blades. As life went on I had knives that served a purpose for me, mostly on the job type of stuff. But then I met this guy Honcho. Some of you may know him as Al. Well he showed me a very cool auto, I believe it was a Benchmade Mini Reflex. I knew right from the start I've found a new passion, as my garage is already full of Harley's, and no more room for another. He hooked me up with Blade Auction.com, and the old forum. I must admit I've only been collecting since 2003, but in a very short period of time did managed to collect quite a few knives. Now in the beginning I was buying anything I thought looked cool. And for a rookie, I did alright, not too many mistakes. I bought a few of those as you guys call them'' Pretty Boy Knives'', and some not so pretty. But then I got my first Dalton. The coolest knife I've ever had the pleasure of owning, a BONES........... Loved it the minute I held it. After this I knew that Dalton knives were the thing I most wanted to collect. Sold any and all other knives I had at the time to fund my new found passion. So in the ensuing years I managed to come across quite a few. As time went on, I was enthralled with the thrill of the hunt so to speak. I searched the INTERNET every day, put feelers out to all the different dealers that attended shows, and my collection grew fast, so fast even I couldn't believe how many Dalton's I had. Even lost count at one time. The years flew by, and my taste in knives became a bit more diversive, I began to collect custom fixed blades. Now that my son is in college, and my daughter is following right behind him, my days of spending 10,000-15,000 a year on knives are over, but my love for sharp pointy things will always live on. There was a time when I was buying not only one of every model, I was buying one of every variant as well. I miss those days, waiting for the little brown truck to arrive, it was like Christmas everyday. My love for Dalton's has never changed, I still carry one everyday. I hope to help the newer collectors as much as I can, share whatever I can, and meet some new friends along the way.

I am also proud to be a part of the ''SICK AND TWISTED''

Stay Sharp......
