Conversation Between Mwoody and akshon75

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi,

    I saw on your G-10 Pounders Post that you would have some more brass ones in a couple of weeks. I bought a pair of six deep ones from Blade HQ and now I'm looking for the brass pounders. Please let me know when they will be available and I can send you the funds through Paypal.


    Marcus Williams
  2. Good Morning,

    I came across this forum and saw your work on various sites. I'm very impressed. I wanted to know if you made custom orders. If so, I wanted to know if you could produce a pair of duster just like the ones you use for your profile. I wanted a pair that were half an inch thick. If you can do this, please let me know the price and the turnaround time. I'm very serious about purchasing them. I can be reached at


    Marcus Williams
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