Conversation Between KeySpike and Moficky

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey,Jim -- What's up, Conchatollah? Where are you living in the Keys? My family has a place in Key CoLony Beach ( just off Marathon ) and I generally spend 2-3 months a year( Nov. and Dec ) there just screwing off ( I am retired and spend the rest of the year in dreary Erie-- ouch!! ). Like you, I am a devout Daltonista ( current collection # up to about 330 or so ) and always welcome the chance to shoot the shit with other collectors who are infected with my brand of sickness.If you are interested, we could trade numbers and get together this winter to share tales and photos of our mutual obsession. ( 305 ) 743 - 7919. I'm outta here like a boner in a Speedo!! Dave H>
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